Hi, my name is Camilla Kring and I hold a Master of Science in Engineering and a PhD. in Work-Life Balance from Technical University of Denmark. I am the author of five books, a lecturer, owner of the consulting firm Super Navigators and a leading expert in applied chronobiology. For the past 17 years, I have provided people with concrete tools to navigate life, and helped organizations in 17 countries become attractive workplaces.
My interest in rhythms began when — in the first decade of the 21st century — I was working on my PhD thesis on the balance between work and private life. I was writing my PhD dissertation in the hours between noon and midnight, and I could clearly feel that my optimal writing energy only occurred from 2pm in the afternoon. While writing my dissertation in 2003, the English researcher Simon N. Archer discovered the gene that is associated with whether you are an early or late chronotype. It was the first time I heard about research in chronobiology. With chronobiology, I got a language for my own circadian rhythm. I’m a late chronotype. I have most energy in the afternoon and evening.
With my new knowledge of chronobiology, I began to question the way we have organized society. Who created the rhythms in school and in the workplace? It makes no sense that the rhythms in schools and workplaces are primarily designed for early chronotypes when there is a clear preponderance of late chronotypes in the population. In the same way, it makes no sense that cultural and leisure life is primarily designed for late chronotypes. Imagine if we humans could have greater freedom to create our own rhythm of life, rather than having to submit to work and family rhythms that are based primarily on traditions, and which in many ways do not support our individual and collective well-being.
In 2006, I started the B-Society, where the mission is to create a community that supports different circadian rhythms. B-Society has members in 50 countries, and it has become a life mission for me to fight for the right to live in step with one’s circadian rhythm.
In many ways the Center for Applied Chronobiology is B-Society 2.0 and I hope that the Center for Applied Chronobiology can inspire and promote chronobiology research with a real-world impact and transformation.
I believe that we must create a society that gives the individual a greater freedom to organize the hours of the day in a way that not only supports our natural, inherent circadian rhythm, but also the different work and family rhythms that sustain our health, social contributions, and happiness. It is evident that when you find your rhythm, you experience a better and more sustainable life. Let’s say goodbye and a fond farewell to old and dysfunctional rhythms from the agricultural society and the industrial society, and instead create the sustainable rhythms of the present and future.
For more information visit www.camillakring.com