
Hi, my name is Camilla Kring. I have a master’s degree in technical physics and management, and a PhD in Work-Life Balance from the Technical University of Denmark. I’m the author of five books and a leading expert in applied chronobiology. My work has been featured in the New York Times, BBC and The Guardian. In 2005, I started the consulting firm Super Navigators, and I have worked to create flexible work cultures that support different circadian rhythms in organizations in 17 countries.

Productivity and quality of life can be improved by letting people synchronize their work lives with their biological clocks. I call it chronoleadership. Chronoleadership focuses on the optimal working times for each employee. Our differences in circadian rhythms can be a great competitive advantage in knowledge-based society, where technological developments and globalization make it possible, as well as necessary, to work at different times.

I recommend that you work with chronoleadership in following areas:

  • Global work. Match circadian clocks with time zone work. As a part of a globalized world, we need people in Europe who can communicate with Chinese businesses early in the morning and American businesses late in the evening.
  • Team work. Visualize your team’s work rhythms. I have worked with teams who discovered that they were active 22 of the 24 hours in the day [4]. By making our work hours visible, we can create more efficient teams where we work together or individually when our energy levels peak. It does not make sense for A-persons to take phone meetings in the evening, and it is unproductive for B-persons to meet at 8 A.M.
  • Shift work. With respect to shift team work, it makes sense to plan work hours to match the circadian rhythms of the employee. Give A-persons more day shifts and B-persons more evening shifts.
  • Working 24/7. Create sustainable working hours. We need people who work at different times, around the clock any time of year—without burning out.